LaunchPod Signature Course

The rapid growth podcasting course for Personal Transformation Entrepreneurs

Wouldn’t it be great if you

  • Had a marketing channel YOU controlled?
  • Could kick start it with a low budget?
  • Could start it with no existing list?
  • Engage with prospects easily?
  • Get paid just for promoting your brand?
  • Have an audience of thousands in just a few weeks?

Then LaunchPod is for you.

LaunchPod will be opening it’s doors again soon.

Get ahead of the competition and click the button below so you can make sure your questions are answered in the course

What you will learn…

  • How to create a list of excited listeners, before you record your first episode even if you have no list now
  • Get the right equipment to start without breaking the bank
  • The successful mindset that will set you apart from other podcasters
  • How to optimise your podcasts to double your listening figures
  • Turn the work you are already doing into podcast episodes
  • How to get your listeners to help you create content
  • How to save HOURS on audio editing
  • The real magic sauce that can make your podcast truly magical
  • My unique promotion method to sky-rocket your figures
  • Get paid for promoting your brand the easy way

It’s first come first served, so be the first to know and leave your email address below

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